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Above & Beyond Challenges!: Karan Pawani GRE 335

Karan Pawani created history by achieving a score of 335/340 on the GRE despite his health issues caused by congenital spinal cord problems. He prioritized his health, took a break from his job, and prepared for the GRE. Additionally, Karan emphasizes the importance of being process-oriented, listening to one's gut, and avoiding distractions to succeed in the GRE and in life. Finally, he shares how overcoming personal challenges can lead to feelings of empowerment and a sense of freedom.

Karan explains how he found purpose in his life after being away from home for a few months and volunteering at an organization. His friends suggested that he should take the GRE exam, which is valid for five years, and enroll himself in an institute. He took their advice and never looked back. Despite his health issues and major surgery, he remained relentless in his efforts and focused on solving questions and listening to "Know The World" sessions. He found perspective in life and was inspired by the success stories of entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs and Richard Branson. This helped him realize his potential and gave him the motivation to succeed.

Karan emphasizes the impact his successful surgery had on his mindset. He shares how his quick recovery after the surgery proved that the mind is capable of accomplishing more than we think. He then talks about his achievement of scoring a perfect 335/340 in the GRE exam, with a 170 in Quantitative and 165 in Verbal sections. He attributes his success to his comfort level with English and continuous practice of vocabulary, comprehension, and deduction strategies. Karan also credits his mentors Sandeep and Autrri for assisting him throughout his admissions process and refining his application for MIT Sloan. With the hope of motivating others, Karan shares his experience of overcoming personal challenges and succeeding academically.

Karan’s GRE Tips - Do’s and Don’ts:

  • Individuals should listen to their gut

  • Do not underestimate yourself

  • Be open to learning while still taking your own decisions.

  • Be process-oriented rather than only result-oriented, as it can help you build mental expertise and complete the exam at a good pace.

  • Individuals should avoid getting distracted and making decisions based on offers that seem exciting but might not help them in the long term.

  • Overcoming difficult situations can lead to feelings of empowerment and a sense of freedom.

Karan’s GRE Preparation Tips:

  • Using free time like flights/commutes to watch Know the World videos helped me, you can use your free time to do the same

  • The mind is really powerful. Train it well to unleash it at the right time.

  • Focus on weak areas but do not ignore your strong areas

  • The level of the exam is much lower than the level that I was practicing upon, so you'll be able to sail through the exam if you follow the process and the instructions are very well laid out in the user manual.

  • You should make your goals so big that all other things seem insignificant.

Listen in to his GRE Prep journey!


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