Rudraneel Roy shares his journey towards achieving a GMAT score of 750. He talks about the struggles he faced with selecting answer choices and the difficulty of picking an answer in the 50/50 situation. However, he eventually learned to simplify the process by eliminating answer choices, focusing on the remaining two, verifying the content, and staying within the scope of the argument. Rudraneel also emphasizes the importance of developing a comfort level with the process, sticking to a method, and remaining calm under pressure during the exam.
He discusses his approach to the GMAT's Critical Reasoning section, and his struggle with Conditional questions. He recommends trusting the process of verifying and not overthinking the questions, as the answers are given in the passage. He also mentions the importance of time management and hitting each question and moving on. He then discusses his approach to the Reading Comprehension section, emphasizing the importance of verifying and building his process around the idea.
Rudraneel also discusses the importance of having a clear-cut single answer for each question on the GMAT. He also emphasizes paying attention to the adjectives and verbs used in the passages to gain a better understanding of the author's tone and implicit opinions. Rudraneel discusses his struggles with the application as a pattern and how he had to find a flagpole to make his stand on. He mentions that his biggest challenge with sentence correction was processing the various components, especially in questions that tested two, three, or four moving parts.
However, once he understood the importance of meaning clarity in 700 plus level questions, he was able to improve in this area. Rudraneel shares his breakthrough while studying for the GMAT, which was realizing the importance of effectiveness and meaning clarity when answering sentence correction questions. He advises others not to waste time being stubborn, but to absorb and move on. Learning the rules and theory is important to understand the parameters within which you have to pick your answers, and for tough questions, it usually comes down to the most effective sentence. While he struggled with math due to his background in biology, he became more comfortable with practice and understanding the fundamentals.
Rudraneel also emphasizes the importance of treating each question with intention, understanding what you're meant to learn from each one, and not moving past anything you're uncomfortable with until you figure out why. The mba.com mock exam is the most realistic, with an algorithm, while most other general company mocks are just arranged questions.
Rudraneel discusses how mocks with top companies are challenging, but important for building composure for the exam. He emphasizes the importance of executive decision making under pressure. Rudraneel also mentions that spending more time with the content helped him to understand the traps and patterns of the GMAT, and how limited the syllabus is. He found that once he understood all of this, most questions could not phase him.
When it came to the actual exam, Rudraneel found that the algorithm was testing his ability to stand up to pressure. He notes that staying calm during the tough questions is key to succeeding on the GMAT. Rudraneel also discusses his breakthrough moment with conditional reasoning and how it helped him tackle all of CR and RCA.
Rudraneel concludes with how the GMAT score can be boiled down to a formulaic structure, in which the author presents a premise, conclusion, and causal linkage, with an assumption in between. The same structure applies to conditional theories. Rudraneel credits Sandeep Gupta's GMAT classes for teaching him how to implement this structure effectively and credited them for their ongoing mentorship.
He discusses how, in the class, Sandeep Gupta provided him with valuable insights and helped him develop motivation, leading to a great success story as he scored a GMAT 750.