Chaitali Dhande scored a 740 on her GMAT and had some insights she wanted to share with us for all of you who are preparing for the exam.
She had trouble in verbal with most of the trouble coming from CR.
Initially during the course of her preparation, she was 3 minutes & 20 seconds per question in CR but as she practiced and got her concepts cleared, she went down to just 1 minute & 20 seconds to solve each question! She practiced the ACT & ANT Techniques taught by Top One Percent thoroughly and managed to ace CR!
For SC, she shares the going through the extreme basics that are taught gave her the structured pattern she needed to recognise the problems in given sentences which helped her solve the questions with great accuracy.
In RC, she extended her special thanks to the awareness videos that helped her get understand the background of the passages really well. On top, for all the difficult questions, she employed OCTAVE promptly aiding her into finishing her verbal section 5 whole minutes before time.
While doing quant, she initially had a lot of trouble in DS questions and had low accuracy. After going through the content and practice, she was able to improve both in speed and accuracy alike.
She finally said that she did not feel any nervousness at all while giving the exam as she had taken 23 mocks provided by Top One Percent beforehand.
If you too follow a structured preparation and follow the given techniques, you too can score an excellent feat!
Best of luck!