Shloka shares her experience of scoring a 770 on the GMAT in just 50 days. Shloka was applying to deferred MBA programs and was struggling with the verbal section, particularly RC. She attended a boot camp and followed the Top One Percent material plan religiously without deviating from it.
Shloka focused on the weaker verbal section and was able to improve her accuracy from less than 50% to 95%. She found that once she grasped the concepts, she could apply them naturally and subconsciously. Shloka skipped some of the Quant Basics and 36 questions but completed the 700 to 800 drills in Quant. During the exam, she took the verbal, quant, and AWA sections in that order and found that the exam pressure affected her performance in the quant section. Despite this, she received a score of 770, with a Q50 and V44.
Shloka discusses her experience with the GMAT exam and mentions an unusual question type in the quant section that she had trouble with. She also talks about experiencing time crunches in both the verbal and quant sections of the exam and how she overcame them by using time management strategies and focusing on important points in the reading comprehension passages.
Shloka shares her goal of attending an M7 school and advises future test-takers to attempt higher difficulty questions and practice timing. She mentions that she did not have much time for mock exams but still managed to take two free ones and a couple on a test portal.
Shloka Bhuwalka shares that she studied for approximately six to eight hours per day in order to reach her target score of a GMAT 770. She was able to manage this workload despite being in college, although she did have to cut down on other activities. She also mentions that attending a boot camp in Delhi helped her to better understand her gaps in preparation, particularly in regards to her intuition-based approach to answering questions and her initial underestimation of the difficulty of the RC section.
Shloka managed to score a V47, a score which placed her in the top 1% of the GMAT Test Takers! Top One Percent is supremely proud of her phenomenal achievement!