I am not good at quants!
Will you help me from scratch??
I did math last in my high school!
Will I be able to do GMAT Quants?
Do these questions sound familiar to you? These are the most common questions asked by many students who approach us.
So what is the answer?
How do we help you deal with this?
Hear it from Suman Sudhir! GMAT 740 with Q50! He talks about how the basics session helped him solidify his foundation. He managed to get this score in 4 weeks alongside a full time job and a baby on board. He also says that on the exam day official quant questions were almost similar to the practice questions from our course, this really gave him added advantage and helped him push his score. We are super proud of Suman's achievement.
"Hi team, managed a 740 with an 8PM-6PM job and my wife giving birth in between the 4 weeks. Your course is incredible. The math was almost exact from your classes! A day before my official test I quickly ran through all your quant videos. At least 6-10 questions on SD, range, combined mean, inequalities were EXACT from the classes!"

Don't let the fear of math ruin your MBA Dream!
All that is required is MINDSET fix along with strategic practice to Smash GMAT!